Complying with export regulations. Get some practical understanding of the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), the Commerce Control List (CCL), and Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCN). We’ll discuss interpreting the EAR, navigating the CCL, and determining your ECCN and License Requirements.…
Why, How, and How Much
CTPAT is the new normal and an industry standard. Changes to the minimum-security criteria (MSC) in 2020, remote validations, and recent developments are requiring new and existing CTPAT program members to dedicate increased attention and resources to maintaining program membership. Join us as we interpret the information and explore the steps you can take towards certification and successful implementation.
Topics Include:
- Explore the positive impacts CTPAT can have on your organization both internally & externally
- Understand the CTPAT Process and how to become a member
- Investigate time investments, 3rd party costs, and available resources