Import Compliance

Navigate Import Regulations with Expert Insight

star usa import compliance

Import Compliance Excellence

Our international trade experts specialize in import compliance training and consulting, assisting clients in establishing, transforming, or realigning their compliance programs. Navigating the complexities of import laws is crucial to prevent disruptions in the supply chain, and Star USA takes the lead in guiding clients through these challenges. We ensure that our clients not only steer clear of potential pitfalls but also unlock opportunities, gaining key competitive advantages in the process.

Regulatory Peace of Mind

Through meticulous analysis, we ensure your operations meet all requirements, minimizing the risk of delays, fines, or legal issues, providing peace of mind and allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Cost Savings Efficiency

We collaborate to minimize expenses, optimize supply chain efficiency, and elevate import compliance to a strategic advantage, reducing costs and gaining a competitive edge in the global market.

Enhanced Trade Relations

Our Import Compliance services ensure a stellar global reputation by consistently meeting customs regulations, fostering transparency, and earning the trust of stakeholders for sustainable growth and fruitful trade partnerships.

Areas We Help Clients with Import Compliance

ACE Setup & Training

Optimize compliance efficiencies with tactically administered ACE setup and support, reducing risks and increasing savings.

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Antidumping & Countervailing Duties

Optimize your trade operations with expert AD/CVD compliance management, reducing financial risks and ensuring regulatory adherence.

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Bonded Warehouses and FTZs

Enhance cost savings through strategically managed bonded warehousing solutions, mitigating duties and taxes.

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CF28 & CF29 Response

Navigate CF28 and CF29 complexities effortlessly with Star's expertise. Ensure compliance excellence.

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Chapter 98 U.S. Goods Returned

Efficiently navigate Chapter 98 for U.S. Goods Returned, minimizing duty costs and ensuring compliant customs processes for returned goods.

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Compliance Audits

Ensure compliance excellence through meticulous audits – Star USA conducts thorough assessments to identify areas for improvement and fortify your import compliance stance.

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Country of Origin

Clarifying the intricacies of determining product origin, our experts assist in meticulous country of origin determinations, ensuring accuracy and compliance with international trade regulations.

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Customs Ruling Request

Utilize our expertise in preparing and submitting customs ruling requests for consistent, reliable, and compliant outcomes.

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Customs Valuation

Navigate complex customs valuation rules seamlessly, optimizing your trade processes and ensuring accurate declarations.

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Duty Preference

Discover tactics for minimizing duty expenses, optimizing financial outcomes in your international trade operations.

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Forced Labor

Our strategies and expertise empower businesses to identify, prevent, and address forced labor risks, ensuring ethical and responsible practices.

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Free Trade Agreements

Beyond USMCA, we expertly navigate various US Free Trade Agreements like Australia, Korea, and more, ensuring compliance and unlocking preferential tariff rates.

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Importer Scorecard

Evaluate your international operations with our Scorecard for a comprehensive compliance baseline and strategic insights.

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Incoterms® 2020

Our expertise empowers you to choose the right terms, ensuring smooth operations, reducing risks, and enhancing the competitiveness of your global ventures. Navigate the complexities of cross-border trade with confidence and precision.

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Mergers & Acquistions

From due diligence to integration, we guide you through the complexities, mitigating risks, and maximizing the value of your strategic business moves.

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New Importer Setup

Our experts guide new importers through every step, ensuring a smooth setup process from understanding regulations to establishing robust compliance protocols.

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Policies & Procedures

Crafting detailed compliance manuals and procedures tailored to your business, we ensure clarity and adherence to regulations, minimizing risks and streamlining your operations.

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Post Summary Correction (PSC)

Partner with us to proactively address potential issues through expertly crafted and submitted Post Summary Corrections, fostering cooperation with authorities for efficient resolutions.

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Prior Disclosure

Addressing potential issues proactively, we assist in crafting and submitting prior disclosures, fostering cooperation with authorities and facilitating efficient resolutions.

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Product Classification

Streamline customs workflows through precise product classification, unlocking efficient and error-free processes for seamless trade operations.

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Section 301

Navigate Section 301 tariffs strategically, minimizing their impact on your business and ensuring compliance with international trade regulations.

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Service Provider Management

Efficiently coordinate and oversee your service providers to streamline your supply chain and enhance overall operational effectiveness.

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Trade Agreements Act (TAA)

Seamlessly navigate TAA compliance in government contracts with Star. Maximize strategic advantage and operational efficiency.

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Empower your team with specialized training to navigate complex import compliance regulations and best practices.

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Ensure seamless compliance with USMCA regulations through streamlined documentation and efficient international transactions. Elevate your trade operations with our expert guidance.

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Value Reconciliation

We specialize in revising entry summaries, addressing elements such as transfer price adjustments, assists, royalties, and maquiladora computed value, ensuring accuracy and compliance.

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Navigating Import Compliance

Import compliance is the bedrock of successful global trade. It’s the assurance that your business operates within the bounds of the intricate web of customs regulations and trade laws. It means avoiding costly delays, fines, or legal entanglements. At Star USA, we understand the importance of seamless import compliance.


Our Process

From analysis to action, our consulting process turns insights into impactful strategies, driving measurable results for your business.

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Ways We Help Our Clients


We provide expert guidance to navigate international trade regulations and optimize your operations.


Our end-to-end management ensures streamlined, cost-effective, and compliant global operations.


Empower your team with customized training to thrive in the global marketplace.


Industries We Serve

Explore the diverse range of industries we support with our global trade expertise.


Future-Proofing Compliance: Star USA's Commitment to Sustainable Solutions

Investing in compliance shouldn't just address current needs but secure your future. We focus on sustainable solutions, guiding your business through evolving regulations, reducing risks, and ensuring a compliance framework that stands the test of time.

More Than Solutions

At Star USA, we don't just offer solutions; we empower your business for success. Our commitment goes beyond compliance – we're your strategic partner in navigating the complexities of international trade. Elevate your operations, reduce risks, and unlock new possibilities. Ready to revolutionize your approach to global business? Let's embark on this journey together. Contact us today and transform the way you do international trade.

CTPAT Certification

Elevate your supply chain security with CTPAT Certification - safeguard your trade operations today!

Compliance Scorecard

Get a clear assessment of your trade compliance with our Scorecard - start optimizing your operations now!