Can you trust Customs Compliance Software?

Automated trade compliance software promises to save you time, money, stress, and ensure every shipment meets international trade regulations.  Are these products as good as they claim? In this webinar we explore the capabilities and limitations of relying on these…

Routed Transactions & EEI Filing

Electronic Export Information (EEI) Compliance is an integral piece of a successful export transaction. CBP uses this data to ensure exports do not end up in the hands of restricted parties who pose a threat to the national security of…

Import & Export Disclosures in International Trade

Disclosing your mistakes on Imports & Exports Errors made while transporting goods to and from the United States may give rise to substantial monetary penalties under Customs laws. These penalties, however, may be avoided or reduced by filing the proper…


Prepare Your Organization By Getting Answers To Some Of The Important Questions: What are the key differences between NAFTA and USMCA? When does the USMCA agreement take effect? How long is my current NAFTA Certificate valid? What should I be…