Streamline your supply chain security with expert guidance and best practices. The Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) is a key component in securing global trade and ensuring supply chain integrity. This webinar provides an in-depth look at the CTPAT validation and revalidation processes, offering practical tips and strategies to successfully navigate these assessments. We’ll explore what to expect during a validation, how to prepare, and how to maintain compliance throughout the revalidation cycle. Learn how to optimize your security practices and enhance your partnership with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
Import Compliance
We help clients create, realign, and transform their legacy import compliance programs to carve out and maintain a distinct competitive advantage. Navigating import compliance laws can be onerous, and importers of record shoulder all responsibility if something goes sideways. Regulatory violations can deliver a major blow to supply chain performance. Star USA helps you follow the law to the letter and stay on track.
Export Compliance & Control
Proactive export compliance and control approaches help companies succeed in executing durable international trade strategies. Star USA provides comprehensive solutions to help clients navigate export compliance regulations, manage export footprints, and maximize global opportunities to foster growth and expand financial assets.
Product Classification
Product import classification & export classification are crucial trade compliance and duty management tasks. But success requires planning and an approach that's global, scalable, and smart. That's nearly impossible to attain in real time, on-the-fly. Star USA offers expert insight, custom, hands-on training, and all relevant resources - GRIs, Notes, ENs, Cross, ICP's, and more - to ensure your products are correctly classified, appropriately documented, and continuously moving.
Free Trade Agreements
Free Trade Agreements can help expand global market opportunities for stateside producers and exporters by removing and/or minimizing certain trade barriers and tariffs. But knowing how to nimbly navigate these ever-shifting agreements while maintaining export compliance and mitigating risks can be tricky - and two-sided. You want to get preferential duty treatment on your imported goods and provide the same to your customers on the goods they import from you. Our consultants have the knowledge and tools to help you succeed.
Duty Preference Programs
The U.S. leverages many programs that manipulate the duty footprint for importers - things like Duty Drawback, the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), Section 301 and Section 232, Antidumping & Countervailing (ADD/CVD), and more. These allow you to minimize your duty footprint based on what type of international business you conduct and with whom. Star USA lends invaluable insights through the duty lens into optimized sourcing, tariff engineering, manufacturing, sales, and process efficiency.
Supply Chain Security
Our import compliance & export compliance experts have an exhaustive understanding of supply chain security and regulations to help our clients keep their goods secure and moving steadily. International trade moves fast. Membership in a supply chain security program can make all the difference. We help ensure your supply chain risks are minimized by examining your suppliers & business partners, evaluating your internal policies & practices, and conforming with programs like CTPAT.
Trade Management Operations
Tactical implementation is a key component to hitting strategic trade goals. Essentially, you want all supply chain partners (brokers, forwarders, suppliers, customers, and internal stakeholders) to know what's expected - and how to communicate with each other to ensure smooth processes. Star USA delivers cost-effective managed operations to achieve and maintain successful transactions - whether standard or special circumstance.
We take those catch-all regulations and apply them to the specifics of your operation. We'll look at what you do, who you have internally, who you work with externally, and make sure everything is both in compliance and set up for minimizing the risk of and maximizing successes.
Star USA Offers Sustainable Success
When it comes to import compliance, export compliance, supply chain security, trade management operations, etc. - the best strategies are not "set-it-and-forget-it." International trade regulations are dynamic and evolving. Internal systems, resources, and processes should be evaluated periodically to determine whether you're mitigating risks and seizing key opportunities for growth and cost savings.
Critical Competitive Advantages
Star USA works with clients to identify necessary trade compliance measures based on:
- Industry
- Business type
- Supply chain network
- Business partners
Although we do offer rapid response damage control, we prefer to be proactive where possible. We pinpoint potential problems and missteps to halt regulatory headaches before they even surface. That puts our clients several steps ahead of the competition.